The first Goddess
     What Makes Us Human
Telling Time
The Menopause
Division of Tasks
Choosing to Create Life
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  The Foragers

What Makes us Human - Choosing to Create Life

Review "What Makes Us Human: Choosing to Create Life".

Khoisan women and children On the Gail Ingis, ASID website, under the title Clicky Words, Inglis describes visits to the Khoisan hunter-gatherers.

She says: "Motherhood, in Khoisan culture Bushmen, brings status and social recognition to the woman after she has navigated the journey of pregnancy and birth..." Khoisan mother with baby in a sling

"Bringing a child into the world is a gift to the tribe and a young mother is taught that how she feels and thinks during the pregnancy will affect the labor and birth of the new baby.

Other members of the group will assist by helping to carry other children or food. A pregnant woman is expected to continue with her normal duties such as gathering food, cleaning, caring for other children and should not complain.

This renders a woman fit and healthy during her pregnancy – there is no room for slothfulness or overeating in this society. A pregnant woman is rarely overweight and an unborn baby is likely to grow to be the right size for the mother to give birth.

Annals of Medicine, Lactational Infertility in family planning. Ann Med 1993. “Hunter-gatherer babies are nursed well into their third or fourth year. Women who breast-feed on demand do not usually ovulate for many months, or even years, after giving birth. Lactational amenorrhoea is Nature’s contraceptive.” More...